05 February 2007

Alot to do on a cold day....

It has been a busy few days. Our wonderful friends, Randy and Linda Wood, came in for a visit on Friday night from Milwaukee. I made a lasagna and served it along side a salad, garlic bread, and tiramisu. We had a wonderful time catching up on news and visiting together.
Saturday was a fun day. Canaan and I went on a date! A fun time with my little soon-to-be four year old. We went craft shopping. First we hit the Goodwill where we didn't find much. Next we headed to the Salvation Army where we scored with a hand puppet making kit. Complete with eyes, glue, etc....
Then it was off to JoAnn Fabrics where we totally hit the jackpot. They were having amazing sales and all of their clearance fabric was $1.00 a yard!!!!! I bought upholstry fabric, quilting fabric, pillow fabric, etc..... We walked out with a heaping bag of fabric and notions for $28.00.
It has been SOOOOO cold here. Today Canaan had school cancelled so we've been bundled up inside playing with clay and making bracelets (pictures to come---my batteries are charging for the camera).
This week I hope to finish a pillow Canaan has been waiting for, send off a couple birthday packages and my parents anniversary gift. Also we are working on compiling a CD of Canaan's favorite songs to send out to his friends. And lastly, Mike is determined to get our candle company launched--soon! So we need to put some finishing touches on the label and scents.