07 April 2010

This week is really getting away from me...where is the time going?
Today I finally finished a stash of aprons that have been slowly taking shape for the past 2 weeks. I am getting things ready for Mayfest, a local art/craft fair, that will be happening May 8th and 9th. Not only am I participating this year but Canaan was asked to have a marshmallow booth there. Exciting, yes. But that makes twice the amount of work for this busy household to get it all ready in time.

With spring upon us we also have been spending the majority of our afternoons and evenings in the backyard cleaning out flower beds, watching the hens peck happily for bugs, swinging in the hammock, and just enjoying the gorgeous weather together.

We did go on a great little weekend adventure last weekend too! We ventured up to my old stomping grounds, Columbus Ohio for a little R&R and fun. I'll be blogging a bit more about our hotel stay in the next couple of days (a big announcement along with that too).

We ate some great food and uber-delicious ice cream from a place called Jeni's Spendid Ice Cream. Holy cow that place is amazing. Just take a look at that menu! The line was out the door when we got there but worth every drooling moment.

Along with the incredible ice cream were these divine ice cream sandwiches~ ice cream sandwiched between 2 french macaroons. Umm..hello? That is genius and delicous!

I am now on a mission to make some new and unique flavors of ice cream of our own. We love to make ice cream but in all honesty we have been quite boring about the flavor choices. Vanilla, berry, vanilla, berry... Its time to break out and try some new things this spring. Any ideas??

**and if you are craving Jeni's as much as I do you can order online here