31 August 2010

Buttermilk Doughnuts...or is it Donuts?

I shared last week about the staple foods I keep around our kitchen. One of those is buttermilk and I have to say, I am developing quite an affection for buttermilk these days. Buttermilk ice cream~ tangy and tasty. Buttermilk waffles ~ a favorite of the boys on weekends. And now, I can add buttermilk doughnuts to the list.

On Friday night I was scrambling around the kitchen trying to piece a meal together and decided that homemade doughnuts would be a perfect Friday night dessert. After looking through my usual online foodie resources; Epicurious, Food Network, David Lebovitz's amazing site and a google search, I stumbled across a recipe for buttermilk doughnuts and just had to give them a try.

I am not a doughnut fan necessarily. I'll take a scoop of ice cream or a slice of triple chocolate cake over a doughnut any day of the week. But these little gems...holy cow. Some were tossed in a bit of cinnamon and sugar while others got a glaze coating with a simple mixture of powdered sugar, vanilla and cream.

I tweaked the recipe a bit and cut it down some (I really didn't need or want to stand over hot oil frying 40 doughnuts) and here's what we ended up with. They are brilliant.

Buttermilk Doughnuts

1 egg
3/4 cup sugar
3T butter
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp nutmeg (this gives it that special something...don't omit it)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
2 1/2 cup - 3 cups flour

Beat the egg and sugar. Add all but flour and mix well. Add in flour until you get a stiff dough (more like cookie dough, less like a soft bread dough). Chill for atleast an hour and you could leave it in the fridge over night. Roll out chilled dough to 1/2 inch thick and cut those bad boys out to whatever shape works for you. Drop them in 375 degree oil and fry them till golden colored on both sides (1-2 minutes per side). Drain on a wire rack and use your imagination for all sorts of delicious toppings!