29 September 2010

What I'm loving right now...

First of all, thanks for all of the encouraging comments to my last post. We are going to look at a house tonight but it still feels like a long journey ahead.
So there are many thing I am loving nowadays (weather being one of them), but here are some of my favorites:

Brownie Bites

Um, ok....this is just amazing. I have had one of those mini muffin pans for ages and rarely use it. I bought it for tassies but just don't make tassies too often. The other night Canaan wanted brownies and we decided to do them in the mini pan. As I began dividing up the batter, I realized how easy it would be to fill them and top them with different things. (I am sure someone out there has done this on food network or something, but it was a total ah-ha moment for me!). So I went to work filling some with peanut butter -YUM! topping some with fresh strawberry slices adding nuts to others and leaving some plain.
Holy cow, friends. These are rockin'. I like to keep my brownies slightly undercooked ~ which can make it a bit trickier to get out of the pan. So I popped the entire pan in the freezer for about a half hour and voila! ~ they came right out. I am open to new and interesting brownie bite toppings ~ have any?

Otto and his fall clothes

The weather has finally cooled enough to pull out the fall clothes. And sweet, chunky Otto is just too much in all of those adorable plaids, flannels, and little mini Uggs. Of course he is much too busy rolling around and trying to crawl to get his photograph taken. Hence, every photo nowadays is of his blurry baby goodness.

Homemade bacon

Yes, we have officially begun curing our own bacon. After reading a big ol charcuterie book and doing some research online, it happened...and its amazing.