29 November 2010

The Beginnings of Christmas

The flurry of marshmallow activity combined with a little one that has learned to crawl in recent weeks has made for a slow going of holiday decor over here at the Smith Homestead. We decided to forgo the traditional tree because Othniel is in that exact stage of life to pull every decoration off of it every day. Instead Mike chopped down a little spruce tree in his family's hollow this weekend and it has a nice place on the side table. This also meant forgoing many of our traditional ornaments that were too heavy for the little spruce's limbs. Lots of lightweight pine cones, little linen handmade ornaments and handmade mini yarn pom poms this year...I love it.

I am slowly accumulating my Christmas village. I scour the thrift stores after the holidays and never spend more than $3 on any given house. Some may find these little houses cheesy, but I adore them.

And I am wanting ever so much an enormous (takes up the entire mantle) nativity set that I saw at the vintage store here in town. The $100 price tag is a bit out of my price range, so we'll happily make do with this one I found last year...once again, at a thrift store.
How is the holiday decorating coming at your homestead?