27 December 2010

These are the boots...you know...THE boots. The winter boots that I have longed for and Mike bought me, only to return after we heard the news of his layoff. On Christmas morning, after gifts were opened, Canaan disappeared and then re-appeared with an enormous box for me. I kind of knew they were the boots. I figured Mike hadn't returned them at all or had re-bought them. I reluctantly opened the box and began preparing my "you know I love these but we have to return them" speech. They were indeed the dream boots.
I slid my feet into their sheepskin lined fluffiness and looked at Mike for an explanation of why he hadn't returned them.
He began to share with me how these boots were in fact not from him, but came as a surprise from a group of my blog readers. An enormous blessing spearheaded by this precious blogger. Immediately the sting of tears came to my eyes...then the flood of humbled and thankful tears poured. It is overwhelming.
I am a giver. I love to give and to find out what others needs are so I can help meet them. As a giver, it is so very hard to receive. I have one friend who literally will take my hands, turn them upward, and say "Megan, receive" when she offers to help and I turn her down.
These boots are so much more than a luxury gift. They are a true representation of the generosity, love and support that mama's give to one another. It is both humbling and incredible to be on the receiving end...and I am pretty sure these boots won't come off until the first 80 degree day of summer.