29 September 2011


Sometimes my life feels like that Bill Murray movie...you know Groundhog Day? Wake up, make bowls of cereal, change diapers, rush kids out the door to school, laundry, play time, cleaning, cooking....

This is not a complaining post~ in fact, just the opposite. As much as these days with little ones can feel unending; I find myself wishing they were unending. I actually sometimes can feel myself missing it. Even though I am still in the midst of it. Do you ever feel that way?
I already miss the random Cheerios tucked in the couch cushions, the Matchbox cars in my kitchen drawers and the Buzz Lightyear underwear left on the stairs.
When I first became a wife and a mom (those things happened nearly 5 years apart) I tried so hard to keep a spotless home. I thought glistening wood floors and wrinkle free bedspreads meant I was doing my job well. My sweet mother-in-law has always gently reminded me that there will be years of glistening floors and crisp bedsheets down the road. Now is the time to let those things go and just savor all that this season has and is. And what this life has right now is

Soapy finger painted pictures on my bathroom mirror

A diaper and clothes hanger on the garage roof (thanks Ezra for that)

Daily obstacle courses crafted by 2 year old ingenuity

A freshly "painted" brick home, sidewalk and driveway

Just cleaned make-up brushes used to buff a 5 year olds cowboy boots during a long car ride, the new toothbrush used by a busy 2 year old to meticulously clean the fireplace ~ and later used to meticulously clean his 8 teeth. Pages of spelling word lists on the fridge, piles of elbow and knee pads mixed with bicycle helmets and roller blades...its alot going on at once~ and I welcome it with open arms knowing full well that in just a few short years I will have those glistening wood floors and pristine sheets and will long for those days of crushed Cheerios in the couch.

**Here is the winner of the City Tavern Cookbook:

Kristi said...
"I love cookbooks and Iron Chef! I'm so glad I found your post (via facebook). I'll be sure to catch Sunday's show and I'll look for the PBS show, too. It sounds great! Thank you."

Congratulations Kristi! Email me (megan@ittysmitty.com) with your home address to claim your prize!