12 October 2011

Have You Seen It Out There?!

*FYI...you can now find The Art of Homemaking on Facebook*

I hope you live in a part of the world that is getting the fall season right now. If you happen to be on a beach in Mexico sipping margaritas or shoveling snow in Alaska, I kind of feel bad for you.
The weather is incredible right now in Kentucky and the scenery, even better. Mike and I woke up this morning and knew we needed to make time for an Autumn day drive. We haven't had one of those in a long time.

We headed toward a small town south of here called Danville. Along the way we stopped at Marksbury Farm. I would take the time to tell you about it here but really you need to just head over to their website. This place is amazing.

Chocolate Croissant's at Marksbury...Mike and Otto ate one before we even made it out the door.
We made a quick run down to Danville for $2 chicken salad sandwiches at a local bakery and a stop at (officially) Mike's new favorite shop, V the Market.

The weather shows no sign of making a turn for the worse so we are making lots of plans to be outside in the coming weeks. I am forseeing tennis matches with my 8 year old, evening picnics under our big old maple tree and some pumpkin carving on the front steps.

Hello Autumn...feel free to stay as long as you like.