18 November 2011

Florida, Thankfulness, Black Friday & Marshmallows...

It has been a little over 3 years since we last treked to Florida. Ezra was 2 and Canaan was 5. This weekend we will make the long 13 hour journey to Grandpa and Grandma's house in St Augustinewith not just 2, but 3 boys. The verdict is still out on how Otto's first trip to the Sunshine State will turn out...and whether or not Mike and I will have any hair left when all is said and done.

I may post an update or two during our trip ~ there will many fun things to report, I'm sure~

I am thankful for so many things this year. Despite Mike's continued layoff (heading into month 12) we are sustained, happy and healthy. I have a big life update to give you all once I have time to sit down here at the computer for more than 5 minutes at a time.

One thing that I am so thankful for is YOU! For all of you that bless and encourage me each day with emails, notes and comments. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart, my life, my ideas and my inspirations here each week. Thanks so much for coming and being a part.

If you will be doing any Black Friday shopping this year, don't forget to shop with my sponsors~
Lots of handmade goodies ~ dresses, hats, scarves...and marshmallows.

Cradle Will Rock

Love this hat from newly opened Etsy shop, Die Spinne Crochet Shoppe~

The Marshmallows Company amazing marshmallows~
Incidently, Canaan (our 8 year old CEO) will be re-appearing on The Suze Orman Show in December as one of her favorite guests of 2011! Also, check out this crazy, amazing review of
his marshmallows by The Nibble in NYC.