26 December 2012

Christmastime ~

Christmas has come and gone here at the Smith Homestead once again. We're still reaping the benefits of sugary goodness, handmade decor and new gifts to enjoy. We have so much to be thankful for this year~ especially Mike's new job as we've just coming off an exhaustive two year layoff. Someday, I will share with you all the journey that those two years took us on. It still seems a little too fresh to completely process and put into words but someday it will come~

Here are a few highlights from the day~

First photo of the morning...typical pose for all.

The boys saved to buy each other gifts this year.

His favorite....of course. The .99 gift

His older brothers saved to buy him a new pair of kicks.

4 layer Whiskey ganache cake with whiskey buttercream

The earrings Ezra bought me

Best part of the day~ dinner with friends followed by a dance party. Life lived to the full.
