27 January 2013

New York City

From about middle school onward, I was an artist. I would stay for hours in my bedroom, painting and drawing~listening to The Beatles on my record player (how about some Paperback Writer!?)~ and thinking about a life in New York City.
Tomorrow I will take my first trip. Its been a long time coming, just ask anyone who knows me well. I'm overly annoying about the topic.
The blog will be quiet this week~ no computer going on the trip...hence no post updates. But you know what I'd love? I'd love hearing your suggestions, your ideas, and your tour guide tips of what to do in the city that never sleeps. I won't have much time shuttling between meetings, but in that little time I do have~ I intend to make the most of it.
Central Park~ Photo can be purchased here
(**Dear Mom...Don't worry. I won't take a jog in Central Park at dusk. And please refrain from watching any crime scene shows next week that take place in NYC. Love~ Your Daughter)