26 February 2013

The Morning Ritual

Life with a three year old is literally like living a line from a Charles Dickens book~ it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Otto, who turned the big 3 over the weekend, isn't one to spare us the extremes in life. He isn't necessarily one for tantrums (thank goodness). But oh-my...lets just say, we have a pint sized teenager on our hands.
But when that little rascal climbs into bed to "get cozy" each morning, putting his clammy toes on my back and sweetly whispers in my ear, "mama, get up. I need pancakes"~ how can I resist.

People always ask me how I am able to keep up with it all...3 boys, a husband, a house to run, friends to nurture, articles to write, a blog to write (poorly lately...I know) and launching a new magazine, I just shrug my shoulders. I really don't know what to say except that in the flurry of it all, I continually root myself in what really matters. More than waking up to answer over a dozen emails that have come in over night and get a publication off to print TODAY...

I need to make pancakes for my three year old.

If you haven't already started sniffing around about CAKE&WHISKEY~ I'd love for you to. I'll be sharing a ton more in the coming days and weeks, but until then~ I'd love for your to poke around our landing page and go "like" us on Facebook.