22 April 2010

He Bakes Cakes

Did I ever mention that Canaan bakes really good cakes? A while back Mike picked up this cookbook at the library.

The recipes are simple, straight forward, and so easy that literally a seven year old can make them.
Once a week or so he pulls it out and picks out one to make. I have him read the directions thoroughly a couple of times before diving in head first. The level of confidence he is building in the kitchen is astonishing.

Using these recipes has been the first time that he has taken on a recipe entirely himself. He measures, pours, mixes, sets the timer, and cleans all himself. (I only show up to help to put the pan in and out of the oven.)
This last cake he even had a sous-chef. Mr. Incredible showed up to help cut strawberries for the strawberry cake.

The cake was really, really, really good. It takes like strawberry shortcake in a pan. Yum.

The week has been crazy. Alot going on for both Mike and I professionally and we're trying to keep it all as maintainable as possible so that we can enjoy these amazing boys as much as possible.
Otto is in the 97% for length. Yes, he is one long baby...and oh so sweet and snuggly. I can't get enough of him.