20 April 2010

A Trip Back in Time

We took a family roadtrip this weekend to a place called Bardstown. Its just a little over an hour from our home and with a gorgeous 60 degree, sunny day~ a roadtrip was definitely in order.
Horse drawn carriage rides where the horse is literally tied up to a post right on the street!? In Bardstown you'll find it.

Next we headed to the Abbey of Gethsemane, a Trappist Monestary. It was beautiful and serene...maybe a bit too serene for a newborn, 3 year old and 7 year old. They did great though, even through parts of the property that posted signs "no talking beyond this point". THATS a hard one for my little guys.No talking for more than 2 or 3 seconds is an achievement.

(walking up to the church...in silence)

Nonetheless, I think teaching our kids quietness and stillness is important. Often I will just have our house quiet. No music, no TV, no loud play...just silence. Time to read, or think, or just sit in a chair watching the birds outside. A good quality to develop in any of us.

Canaan is at an age to start appreciating going to places like this. He was fascinated that they take time to pray 7 times a day; that they live there year round in relative quietness; and that they wear long robes all day long.
At this particular abbey they make homemade cheeses, bourbon fruitcakes, and fudge that they sell to keep the Abbey running.

Read more about Bardstown and our other adventures here
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