8 years ago I started a journal. Its a journal I keep to this day, add to quite frequently and reference often. Reading through the pages of this leather bound journal is a walk down memory lane~ this journal is the menu record I keep from the dinners we host, the parties we throw and the times we have, centered around food, with friends.
I love reading and remembering those we've entertained over the years~ like Bob and Noby Kennell, who now live in Papua New Guinea and who came to dinner in our tiny 3 room apartment in Sanford, Florida when we were new parents.
And I love seeing those back to back meals with our dear friends Peter and Crystal. They are those friends that show up at 6 for dinner and at 2am you finally look at a clock and wonder how 8 hours could have flown by so fast. Those friends are so precious and rare.
Happy Weekend~ ... maybe even a meal with friends is on the docket for you?
**and, if you get a moment ~ click that pretty blue ribbon up there on the right hand side of the page and vote for Art of Homemaking... A complete honor because I have some amazing blogs in my category, don't you think?